Mahkatop — Shingles, or herpes zoster, although less known compared to chickenpox, has serious health impacts. The Head of the Adult Immunization Task Force of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI), Dr. Sukamto Koesnoe, SpPD, KAI, FINASIM, shared his personal experience in handling a patient with herpes zoster complications known as postherpetic neuralgia.
Dangerous Complications
Postherpetic neuralgia is characterized by prolonged pain in the area previously affected by herpes. Dr. Sukamto recounted the case of an elderly patient, aged 70, who experienced excruciating pain to the point of contemplating suicide. This patient had sought various treatments without satisfactory results before finally being treated by Dr. Sukamto.
“The pain experienced by this patient was due to nerve endings damaged by herpes. After undergoing further treatment involving a neurologist, his condition gradually improved,” explained Dr. Sukamto.
Pain Worse Than Childbirth
At the same event, the Advisor to the Adult Immunization Task Force of PAPDI, Prof. Dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, SpPD-KAI, FINASIM, FACP, added that the pain from herpes zoster complications is often more severe than childbirth pain. “The pain from herpes zoster can last a long time and significantly disrupt daily activities. Many patients cannot work or even wear clothes because of the pain,” he said.
Although rarely fatal, herpes zoster can significantly affect the quality of life. Prof. Samsuridjal also mentioned that herpes zoster can infect the eyes or brain, though such cases are rare.
Therefore, it is important not to underestimate shingles and to seek medical attention promptly if experiencing related symptoms.